Jul 13

Road Trip 2013 – Nashville Zoo part 2

The rest of the Zoo pictures!

805LP812LP820LP821LP829LP845LPGiraffes with attitude!


Red Panda

1294LPSleepy Cougar…

1301LPShoes! I just liked this photo I took, it doesn’t have anything to do with the zoo….






1450LPAlex has a friend…. the goat was following him for a while.


And that’s the rest of the Zoo photos! Next up is photos from the Parthenon in Nashville.


Enhanced by Zemanta

Jan 13

January Visit to the Farm

Today I visited the Live & Let Live Farm because it was beautiful outside (for January in NH) and they also have many new animals I wanted to get a chance to photograph.

AlexSuch a beautiful blue sky after the past 3 days of crazy New England weather.

KatieKatie gave us a hello as we walked by.

Tes Tes2Then we visited Tes, who was happy to pose for us!

Mascot&Alex-2 Goat-4 Goat-3 Goat-1 Goat-2The goats were happy as always to see us, and very disappointed we didn’t bring treats today.

ThunderThunder came to say hello, as well as prove his innocence of “not” eating off the hay truck.

Racer-2 Racer-1My new friend Racer, was happy have a visit as well.

Lola-6 Lola-5 Lola-3 Lola-2Lola, another new friend, was shy at first and then seemed to enjoy coming out in the sun for a few pictures!

farmbootsAnd this is what I look like after a muddy day visiting the animals at the farm.